Hail Damage Attorneys San Antonio
Assisting Texas Clients in Obtaining Fair Compensation for Their Claims
If you have lived in the San Antonio area for any length of time, you know firsthand the property damage and destruction that severe thunderstorms, high winds, and the hail that they produce can cause. In Texas, the size of hail can vary anywhere from pea size to that of a softball. It has been known to be even bigger than a softball in some cases.
Due to its solid nature, hail is capable of causing a great deal of damage to a home’s roof, siding, and of course, windows are especially vulnerable. To make matters even worse, hail has the potential to severely damage your car by subjecting it to dents, window damage, or even wheel damage.
In San Antonio and the surrounding areas, hailstorms have been responsible for damages that run upward into hundreds of millions of dollars. As a direct result, many insurance companies now have to deal with many hail damage claims. This is when many policyholders run the risk of having their claim underpaid or even denied as the insurance companies try to place profit above their policyholders.
If you feel that the insurance companies are not paying their fair share of what they owe or are deliberately trying to avoid paying you, you need an experienced Texas storm damage lawyer on your side. The attorneys at the law firm of Stormlex Law Group have extensive experience in overcoming the tactics that insurance companies may use in order to deny your hail insurance claim.
Speak with our team at 877-890-6372 today to book a free consultation.
What Are Some of the Tactics That Insurance Companies Use in Order to Try to Deny a Claim?
Insurance companies often use deceitful tactics in order to deny your hailstorm damage claim. Some of the most common excuses for not paying hail insurance claims include:
- The damage to your roof was preexisting, meaning that it was already present when the storms occurred.
- Your roof is too old, and as such, is exempt from your insurance coverage.
- You did not maintain your home properly, and therefore, the damage caused is due to improper maintenance and lack of repairs to the property.
- Your personal possessions are not worth the value that you have stated.
An insurance company will commonly attempt not to pay the policyholder what their claim may actually be worth. If the insurance company is offering you a settlement that you feel is not in your best interests, contact one of our knowledgeable and skilled lawyers who can review your insurance claim and help advise you as to the best decision going forward.
If my Roof is Damaged in a Hailstorm, Should I Make Any Repairs?
As a home or business owner, you have a responsibility to make any necessary repairs that will prevent further damage. However, it should be understood that the repairs that you make should be minimal in nature.
Before you make any repairs, be sure to document all of the damage beforehand by taking photos and/or videos from many different angles. After the repairs have been completed, be sure to photograph and video the repairs as well. This will prove invaluable in demonstrating that the repairs performed were indeed warranted.
Should I Consider Hiring a Hail Damage Attorney in San Antonio to Help Me With My Claim?
Repeatedly, insurance companies will try to dispute, or even dismiss, hail damage insurance claims. An insurance adjuster may try to tell you that your hail claim is without merit due to the age of a building or roof. Often homeowners are left not knowing what they should do next in an effort to be paid the money that is owed to them.
If you are currently involved in a dispute with your insurance company involving a hail damage insurance claim, you need an attorney who will aggressively fight for your rights. The flood damage attorneys at Stormlex Law Group are experienced in handling these types of disputes and will work to protect you from possibly being underpaid or having your claim denied.
Contact Stormlex Law Group Today
At Stormlex Law Group, we understand how overwhelming hail damage can be for San Antonio homeowners. If you’re struggling with a property damage claim or navigating the complexities of your insurance policy, we’re here to help. We work to ensure your hail damage claims are handled fairly, so you can focus on restoring your property.
Don’t let insurance companies undervalue your damages—take action today. Contact us for a consultation and let our team advocate for your rights. We can help you understand your benefits and plan what is best for your case moving forward. We greatly look forward to serving you.
Contact our law offices by calling us at 877-890-6372 to schedule a free consultation with one of our hail damage attorneys.