As a property owner, whether residential or commercial, storms can pose a significant threat. 

A severe weather event can leave a trail of destruction, impacting not only the structure but also the financial stability of homeowners and business owners. In Texas, where we receive tornadoes, hailstorms, hurricanes, windstorms, and other significant weather-damaging events, knowing your insurance policy is essential.

Being prepared for the aftermath of a storm can be frustrating and stressful, especially when you have to deal with your insurance company.. Property owners often face complexities when dealing with insurance claims, adding stress to an already challenging situation. Knowing the nuances of insurance coverage can empower individuals to navigate the claims process effectively, ensuring a smoother path to recovery.

Understanding how insurance coverage differs between commercial and residential properties will ensure you know what policy to have in place and who to call when the insurance company denies or underpays your claim. We got you covered. Here’s what we’ll review to expand your knowledge on the topic:

  • The basics: What is covered under commercial and residential insurance policies in Texas
  • Assessing risk factors: How location and property type impact insurance coverage
  • The claims process: Tips for filing successful insurance claims post-storm
  • Mitigating future risks: Strategies for proactive property protection and insurance planning
  • What the Stormlex Alliance Newsletter can do for you and your property

Insurance Lawyer Breaks Down Basics in Coverage

Whether you own a residential home or a commercial building, understanding the basics of insurance policies can make a significant difference in protecting your most valuable asset.

Residential insurance policies typically encompass coverage for the structure of the home, personal belongings, and liability. These policies are designed to provide financial protection in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as fire, theft, or natural disasters. However, it’s essential to review your policy carefully to understand the extent of coverage and any limitations.

On the other hand, commercial insurance policies offer broader coverage tailored to the unique needs of businesses. In addition to property damage and liability, commercial policies often include coverage for business interruption, equipment breakdown, and employee injuries. This comprehensive coverage is essential for mitigating risks and ensuring business continuity in the face of adversity.

Assessing Risk Factors with an Insurance Lawyer

Location plays a main role in determining insurance coverage for storm damage. Coastal areas in Texas are particularly susceptible to hurricanes, flooding, and other severe weather events and are encouraged to use Texas Windstorm Insurance Agency (TWIA). Property owners in these areas may face higher premiums and more stringent insurance requirements.

The type of property also influences insurance coverage options and premiums. Single-family homes may have different insurance needs compared to multi-unit residential buildings or commercial complexes. Understanding these risk factors can help property owners make informed decisions when selecting insurance policies.

Let’s Talk About the Claims Process

Filing an insurance claim for storm damage can be a complex process, especially right after a natural disaster. Insurance companies often require thorough documentation of the damage and adherence to specific procedures. 

Follow the STORM method when filing your claim:

  • SUBMIT: Submit documentation (photographs and videos of damages, receipts, etc.)
  • TRACK: Track correspondence with insurance company
  • OPINIONS: Gather estimates and second opinions from contractors and public adjusters to ensure your insurance company’s decision is aligned with current market rates 
  • REVIEW: Review your policy exclusions and waivers to ensure you’ll be covered for your damages
  • MITIGATE: Mitigate any damages, be sure to take extra photos and keep receipts of the temporary repairs you make

Now, if the insurance company decides to underpay or deny your claim altogether, you’ll need to enlist the support of an Insurance lawyer. Stormlex Law Group has the expertise and experience to navigate the intricacies of the claims process effectively. From guiding you after the claim is denied, to negotiating with insurance companies, our professionals advocate for your rights as policyholder and ensure you receive fair compensation for the losses. 

By enlisting the help of an insurance lawyer, property owners can navigate the claims process with confidence and peace of mind. 

Mitigating Future Risks

While insurance coverage provides financial protection against storm damage, taking proactive measures to mitigate risks is equally essential. (ESPECIALLY FOR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNERS OR MANAGERS!)

Regular maintenance and inspections can help identify potential vulnerabilities in your property, such as roof damage or structural weaknesses.

Additionally, investing in preventive measures, such as reinforcing windows and doors or installing storm shutters, can help minimize the impact of severe weather. By addressing these vulnerabilities proactively, you can reduce the likelihood of extensive damage and costly repairs in the event of a storm.

insurance lawyer

Understanding the differences of insurance coverage for storm damage is crucial for both residential and commercial property owners. By familiarizing yourself with the basics of insurance policies, assessing risk factors, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can effectively protect your investment and mitigate the impact of severe weather events.

Join the Stormlex Alliance: a newsletter dedicated to educating you on insurance policy terms, tips for navigating the claims process, and weather-related prevention tips for your home or commercial property in Texas. 

We throw in a weekly Star Wars meme for your entertainment and laughter, too! Who said we can’t have fun in your inbox?

If you reside in San Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin or another Texas city, this newsletter is a must-subscribe to reach your optimal Jedi master level of your insurance policy and your rights for a maximized claim payout!

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Featured Photos by Sean Pollock on Unsplash (left) and Aubrey Odom on Unsplash (right).