What is Bad Faith Insurance and What Can You Do When You Recognize it Happening? 

For Texas property owners, bad faith insurance can be a confusing occurrence. Especially when navigating insurance claims in the wake of storm damage. 

Insurance companies may employ tactics that undermine policyholders’ rights and delay or deny rightful compensation. Understanding these tactics is crucial for safeguarding your interests and ensuring fair treatment.

Recognizing and addressing bad faith insurance practices can make all the difference in reclaiming your property and financial security. Some of the realities Texas property owners face when it comes to insurance claims are denial of valid claims, delayed processing times and underpayment of damages.

Let’s dive into the complexities of bad faith insurance practices and equip you with the knowledge to protect your property rights:

  • Identifying signs of bad faith insurance practices
  • Steps to take if you suspect wrongdoing
  • Legal options and resources
  • Tips for navigating the claims process effectively

Identifying Signs of Bad Faith Insurance Practices

Recognizing when an insurance company is acting in bad faith is crucial for protecting your rights. When dealing with storm damage claims, it’s essential to stay vigilant for signs that your insurer may not be acting in good faith. 

Here are some key indicators to watch out for:

Delayed Processing Times:

One of the most common tactics used by insurance companies engaging in bad faith practices is delaying the processing of claims. If you find that your claim has been sitting in limbo for an extended period without any progress or explanation from your insurer, it could be a red flag. Delays in processing can leave you waiting for much-needed funds to repair your property.

Repeated Requests for Unnecessary Documentation:

Another sign of bad faith is when your insurance company continuously requests additional documentation that seems irrelevant to your claim. While it’s standard for insurers to require some documentation to process a claim, excessive and repetitive requests could indicate a deliberate attempt to stall or deny your claim. Be wary if your insurer seems to be making unreasonable demands or asking for documentation you’ve already provided.

Refusal to Provide Reasons for Your Claim Denial:

Transparency is key. When it comes to insurance claims, yet some companies may refuse to provide clear reasons for denying a claim. If your insurer denies your claim without offering a detailed explanation or valid justification, it could be a sign of bad faith. Without understanding the rationale behind the denial, you’re left in the dark about why your claim was rejected and what steps you can take to address the issue.

Stormlex Tip: We have a video on Insurance Claim secrets to avoid a denial from the insurance company here.

Steps to Take if You Suspect Wrongdoing (aka Bad Faith Insurance)

If you suspect your insurance company is acting in bad faith you need to take proactive steps to protect your interests. Here are the three steps you can take if you believe your insurer is engaging in unfair practices:

  1. Document All Communication: Keep detailed records of all communication with your insurance company. Include emails, letters, and phone calls. Note down dates, times, and the names of any representatives you speak with. These records can serve as valuable evidence if you need to escalate your complaint or pursue legal action.
  2. Gather Evidence: Collect any evidence that supports your claim. Keep photographs of the damage, repair estimates from contractors, and receipts for any expenses incurred due to the damage. The more documentation you have to substantiate your claim, the stronger your case will be.
  3. Consult with an Insurance Lawyer: If you’re unsure about your rights or how to proceed, consider seeking legal advice. Stormlex Law Group is a 5-star law firm, specializing in bad faith claims. Our experienced attorney can review your case, advise you on your options, and help you navigate the complexities of dealing with your insurer.

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What Are Your Legal Options for Recovering Insurance Benefits?

If you believe your insurance company is acting in bad faith, you have options!

Legal representation is a solid option to challenge the insurance company’s actions and seek justice. 

Consult with One of Our Insurance Lawyers: If you’re considering taking legal action against your insurer, it’s essential to consult with an experienced insurance lawyer who can assess the merits of your case and advise you on the best course of action. An attorney can help you understand your rights under your insurance policy and represent your interests in negotiations or litigation.

In some cases, alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation can also be seeked as a means to resolving disputes with your insurer. Our attorneys can represent you throughout these processes and make sure you are compensated accordingly. These methods allow both parties to negotiate a settlement with the assistance of a neutral third party, avoiding dragging out proceedings unnecessarily.

File a Complaint: You can file a complaint with your state’s insurance regulatory agency (TDI: Texas Department of Insurance) if you believe your insurer has engaged in unfair or deceptive practices. State insurance departments have the authority to investigate complaints against insurance companies and take enforcement action if warranted. Filing a complaint can also help raise awareness of bad faith practices and hold insurers accountable for their actions.

Navigating the Insurance Claims Process Effectively

Roof damage and consequently inside walls/floor damage is a common issue following storms, but insurance companies may try to minimize or deny legitimate claims. If your property has sustained damage, it’s essential to understand how to navigate the claims process effectively. 

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To maximize your chances of a successful outcome during an insurance claim process, it’s essential to be proactive and assertive in dealing with your insurer. Here are some tips for handling insurance claims:

Document the Damage Thoroughly:

After a storm, carefully inspect your roof and all affected areas for any signs of damage, such as missing shingles, leaks, mud or structural issues. Take photographs or videos of the damage from multiple angles to provide visual evidence for your claim.

Seek Professional Inspections:

While you may be tempted to assess the damage yourself, hiring a qualified roofing contractor to conduct an inspection can provide you with an accurate assessment of the damage and the necessary repairs. A professional inspection report can strengthen your claim and help you negotiate with your insurer for fair compensation.

Be Proactive in Following Up:

Don’t wait for your insurer to take action – follow up regularly on the status of your claim and inquire about any delays or discrepancies. If you encounter resistance or delays, escalate your concerns to a supervisor or claims manager to ensure your case receives the attention it deserves. Also,  document any conversations or agreements made verbally, and follow up in writing to confirm the details.

Seek Legal Representation if Necessary:

If you encounter obstacles or resistance from your insurer, don’t hesitate to seek legal representation from one of our insurance lawyers who specializes in bad faith claims. Never feel like you do not have other options even if your insurance company may make you believe that. We are here to protect your rights, secure the compensation you’re entitled to and guide you every step of the way.

Recognizing and addressing bad faith insurance practices is essential for protecting your rights as a homeowner or commercial property owner. By staying informed, documenting your claims thoroughly, and seeking legal help you can avoid under payments and protect your most valuable assets.

Due to the all too frequent and violent nature of storms that Texas is prone to, residents of San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, and other cities often experience significant property damage as a result. In your time of need and stress, you expect the insurance company to show up for you and your claim. That’s not always the case.

Negotiating with the insurance company can be a daunting and stressful task and Stormlex Law Group understands how essential it is to advocate for your rights and interests. Our insurance lawyers are prepared to present your case clearly and persuasively, using evidence and documentation to support your arguments.

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Facing a bad faith insurance claim can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. It’s important to remember that you have options and rights as a policyholder. By understanding your rights, gathering evidence, and seeking legal guidance, you can increase your chances of overturning the underpayment or denial and obtaining the coverage you deserve. 

If you are currently dealing with a denied claim, give us a call at 855-STORMS-4 (855-786-7674) or send us an email at info@stormlex.com